Protecting Children and Families by Using the Collaborative Law Principles – June 2, 2017

Protecting Children and Families by Using the Collaborative Law Principles

Friday, June 2, 2017 – 1:30 – 3:00 PM

AFCC 54th Annual Conference – Turning the Kaleidoscope of Family Conflict into a Prism of Harmony
May 31-June 3, 2017
Sheraton Boston Hotel
Boston, Massachusetts

This workshop will show how, in family law, using a collaborative law process to create a prism of harmony is a means of reducing
the stress of divorce on families and children. Participants will learn techniques on how to effectively work with coaches, financial
professionals, and collaboratively trained attorneys to resolve disputes in a kinder and gentler way.

Linda Cohan, MSW, CPC, Gloucester, MA
David Goodman, MBA, CPA, Milton, MA
Justin Kelsey, JD, Framingham, MA
Debra L. Smith, JD, Watertown, MA


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